litter box cleaning to prevent cat smells

How Do I Keep My House From Smelling Like Cat?

Cats are one of the best companions in one’s home. We love them, but sometimes the smell just gets to you. You find them urinating somewhere other than your designated litter box or their litter box just really smells. Soon enough your house will just end up smelling like cats.

Should I Pick Up Dog Poop Before Mowing?

If there’s one thing that I don’t like doing as a dog parent, it is cleaning up dog poop, especially if it’s in my backyard. It’s a messy job, and pretty sure most of you can relate to this. Even if you have the best equipment for dog cleaning, it’s

cleaning up after dog with pooper scooper

How Do You Use A Dog Pooper Scooper?

Dogs are man’s best friend. They are great playmates, stress relievers, and exercise buddies. However, just like us, they also need to defecate, and the responsibility to clean that up is on us. So, if you want to make dog parenting much easier, one essential item you should have is

PPOGOO Pooper-scooper

PPOGOO Non-Breakable Pet Pooper Scooper Review

Cleaning up dog poop can be messy, and I don’t like the idea of picking up dog waste with a plastic bag covering my hand. Although pooper scoopers are beautiful, I find the one I’m currently using does not work well on pavement. Plus, it breaks easily, so I needed

Dogit Jawz Pooper-scooper

Dogit Jawz Dog Pooper Scooper Review

I love dogs. I love walking them in the morning so that I can get some exercise too. However, I don’t like cleaning up their waste. It’s so much hassle, and it’s a mess. I also don’t like the fact of needing to bend over as it strains my back.

Petmate Pooper-scooper

PetMate Swivel Bin and Rake Pooper Scooper Review

I’m pretty sure you can relate if I say that cleaning up a dog’s poop is not a fun job. It can get pretty messy, especially if you don’t use proper equipment. This is why pooper scooper really comes in handy. However, I’m not content with the current one I’m

Nature's Miracle Pooper-scooper

Nature’s Miracle Non-Stick Advanced Jaw Scoop Review

Picking up dog wastes is undeniably a messy job. And for someone like me who is easily grossed out from picking up with plastic, pooper scoopers are indeed a gift. Unfortunately, even if I happen to clean up my dog’s waste easily, the next problem I face is cleaning up

Bodhi Pooper-scooper

Bodhi Dog Complete Poo Pack Review

I walk my dog every morning. It’s the usual routine, which includes cleaning up dog poop too – this part of the routine is what I dislike. It’s a messy job, even with the current pooper scooper I’m using. Plus, I always find it hard looking for the materials I

kitty with a closed or open litter box

Covered Vs. Uncovered Litter Boxes: Which Do Cats Prefer Most?

It has been a long-standing feud with cat owners as to what cats prefer regarding litter boxes. There are the open types and the enclosed or hooded types of litter boxes. Some owners prefer the open ones, some prefer the hooded litter boxes. Unfortunately, these owners aren’t the real users

smelly cat litter box

Are There Litter Boxes That Don’t Smell?

We all love our cats, but one task is most loathed by cat owners. It’s cleaning up after them. We try our best with deodorizers and trying different cat litters. Even experimenting on cat litter boxes just to see if there would be improvements. However, do these things even matter

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